Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mirror Image

The title on this one has two meanings: it's a shot I took in the mirror and forgot to reverse in Photoshop, and it portrays the mirror image of my personality. (OK, I suppose a few might quibble with that.) This is the 2nd in a series I have in mind- it's been difficult to get volunteers to show exaggerated expressions AND catch them in good light. I'll be pretty busy during the next week or so- so probably nothing more for my blog for a couple of weeks. Those in the vicinity of Hood River are invited my artist's reception at The Gorge White House from 1-3pm on Sept. 5th. Also enjoy another group of my paintings during Sept. at Brian's Pourhouse while having one of their delectable dinners. 16" X 12" oil on canvas board.


  1. I like the look like you are engaged in "devilish fun"

  2. Thanks, Celeste; response was long time coming... I WAS having devilish fun- painting this. I can't wait until I can get portraits of others on here.

  3. Hi Todd! Great painting, and was great to meet you in person at the Plein Air show in Hood River! Looking forward to seeing your portraits, especially of our blogging buddie Celeste!
    Paint On!

  4. Thanks, Brenda! I was glad to meet you too. I thought things might slow down after the Plein Air show, but it looks like it'll be a while before I'm able to do the portraits I'm looking forward to.

  5. Just discovered your blog - through Celeste's blog. Love your work and look forward to following you!

  6. OOOPS! I am already following you! I'll have to check to see why your blog doesn't pull up with your latest painting!
